Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stranger Danger

It's been eons since my last post because somebody whom I now fondly refer to as "Bad Baby" has been keeping me kinda-sorta busy. As the most fabulous woman on the planet, Tina Fey, once uttered, "Being a mom has made me so tired. And so happy." Traveling with a baby into a drastically different timezone isn't exactly a walk in the park, but it's been so much fun seeing my parents, Olive's grandparents, interact with her. They're smitten with this Bad Baby.

Can you blame them? 

Bad Baby and I will be in Taiwan for about two weeks (we've got 5 days remaining). She was invited to take on flower girl duties for my brother's wedding to his elementary school crush, Lilian. *awww* A rather large responsibility, seeing that Bad Baby had ventured into a life on two feet a mere a week before her uncle's big day. To everyone's surprise, there was no meltdown at the wedding. Bad Baby put in a most valiant effort to make it down the aisle...

Many more stories to share. Will do so when we return!

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