Monday, April 06, 2009

Shh... Don't Tell!

Took a break from animating just now and stopped on by my neighborhood Coffee Bean. With an iced-coffee in hand, I browsed the newsstand and my damn eyeballs became fixated upon the Spring 2009 issue of Martha Stewart Weddings. What can I say? The cover is plastered with sparkles! (And by "sparkles", I am referring to ginormous diamonds.)

In case you were wondering, yes, the magazine came home with me. Dude, I'm human. I swear the newsstand fella was judging me. I saw him eye my naked, unmanicured finger. WHATEVER!

P.S. Ooh, for my fellow Francophiles, there's a four-pager on Paris in this issue. Three of the magazine's editors give their insider take on "the city that stole their hearts". I know I just came back, but I sooo wish I could return. I've been there five times to date, yet the city never ceases to amaze me. As Kimberlina would put it, *le sigh*.

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