1. Caught up with old friends at Osteria la Buca last night. It's an unfussy, unpretentious Italian restaurant on Melrose that's owned by my good friend's friend. Delicious. Funny thing is, I opened my gmail inbox this morning to find a GOOP newsletter recommending the joint. Apparently Gwyneth likes the place too! A must-try. Loved the decor. And the prices are kind as well...
2. Attended an ASIFA screening of Summit & Imagi's Astroboy the night before. Somewhat disappointed. I give it a C+. Luckily I didn't have to pay to see it. At least the complimentary poster handed out was cute.
3. Conan o' Brien. I'm finally going! My friend got tix, and she's taking moi!!! We're soooo painting portraits of him and bringing them to set. Gosh, can't wait for November 3rd. Wonder who's going to be on...
Picture source: Elisabeth (finelittleday) and her son decided to host a lil' tribe war. Too cute.
1 comment:
Oh what fun characters! That's disappointing to hear about Astro Boy...I still remember when you told me about back in Seattle. I'll stick to the 2D episodes :) Glad to hear you're gonna check out Conan O'Brien - he is definitely worth watching live. Olive and I caught his SF show at the Orpheum - hilarious! Still unpacking my Ape-Con items, I'll be sure to post very very soon :)
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