As a Valentine's gift to le cub earlier this year, I had purchased tickets to a Flight of the Conchords concert at the Greek Theater (near Griffith Park Observatory) which he wouldn't be able to redeem until May.
Well, it's finally May, and last night, we finally went. It was le cub's first concert ever, and boy was it fun!
1) Opening acts featuring Arj Barker (Dave) and Eugene Mirman
2) "Too Many Dicks" as their first song. Wahahahahaha!
2) South American, Spanish-singing versions of Bret and Jemaine
3) Their "I'm Not Crying" act that Jemaine preceded with lighting suggestions, "Like we're inside a teardrop!"
4) One of le cub's favs, "Carol Brown"
5) Jemaine's "Sugarlump" dance moves.
6) An emotional performance of "Hurt Feelings"...
7) The classic, "Business Time"...
8) And one of MY favorites, "Albi the Racist Dragon"!
They didn't play "If That's What You're Into", but I'll live.
Bret and Jemaine, you two are AWESOME!!!!!!!
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