Sunday, September 17, 2006

Little Miss Sunshine

If only we'd stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time. ~Edith Wharton.

I'm so happy lately, I'm starting to worry my parents. The Ma & Ba tend to equate happiness to complacency, and to become complacent when one has yet to earn six-figures is a big no-no in this gung-ho family. But yes, once miserable and brooding, I am now peppy and glowing. The source of the joy? Oh, I don't know... perhaps it's my could-do-no-wrong-at-this-point manfriend who provides me with an unending supply of chocolate, quality-time spent goofing off with my favorite cousins, Jen and Cindy, or ooh, perhaps it "the puppy" (just thinking or saying "puppy" leaves me somewhat speechless but smiling.

Met the entire litter this weekend. I did, I did! The manfriend and I drove to Sonoma early Saturday morning and "like, omigod!" I literally gasped when I saw and held them. They were, they are, that adorable. Yelping blobs of fur! Lacking strength in their limbs to walk, the five puppies resembled mini beached whales as they flopped inefficiently towards their foodbank, mama, Nugget. Even Christine, the breeder, a warm, funny, and informative woman, cooed over the furballs with us. I cannot wait to take my baby lab home. Estimated delivery date is October 21st. I've got an entire month left to go! Noooo! Needless to say, I will be back out in Sonoma two weeks from now to check on the pups again. By then, I will know which baby boy will be mine. Only then will I be able to release his name. The manfriend and I have two picked out...


Anonymous said...

October 21st! Ahhhhh! You make me want to drive to Sonoma in the meantime! I heart lab puppies.

And who knew mysterious alien eyeballs could be so damn cute? I'm ready for those guys to take over the world.

.......... said...

hahaha... i call the mysterious alien eyeball critters "peep"... piece is entitled "pency and the peeps"... pency's the unibrowed chicken.

.......... said...

"peeps"... not "peep"


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